Occasionally, you might buy larger company items like laptops or tablets. As these items have a longer life and are typically worth more than £200, they are classed as assets instead of expenses.
In general terms an asset is an item that is purchased for prolonged use by the company – for example a new laptop or office chair would typically be classed as an asset, whereas printer paper or ink wouldn’t.
It’s important that you classify your expenses and assets correctly – there are two simple questions to ask yourself when making a purchase:
Will the item have a useful life of more than one year?
Does the item cost more than £200?
If yes it’s likely that the purchase is an asset. If not, it’s likely the purchase is an expense.
To record the purchase of an asset:
Select ‘Create new record’
Choose ‘Expense’ as the transaction type.
Select the appropriate category, sub-category and entry
Fill in the relevant information and select the ‘Does this record have an item costing £200 or more?’ checkbox
To record the sale of an asset:
Select ‘Create new record’
Choose ‘Income’ as the transaction type.
Select ‘Other sales & income’ as the Entry
Fill in the relevant information and select the asset you’re selling from the ‘Are you selling an item (asset)?’ drop-down