Recording travel in your mileage log

When using a personal vehicle for business mileage your company can reimburse you at HMRC approved mileage rates. This guide explains how Provestor makes this easy and how we keep track for you.

HMRC specify mileage rates for different vehicles when a personally owned vehicle is used for business purposes. Mileage rates must be used instead of claiming for fuel, insurance, depreciation etc.

As part of your business records you must maintain, HMRC require you to keep a record of business mileage when claims are made. Provestor takes care of this for you and helps ensure that you are reimbursed for all your business travel.

Making an entry in the mileage log

The mileage log is accessed by clicking the mileage log button in the expenses screen. To make a new entry in the mileage log, click the new button then fill out the form:

  1. Date - the date they journey was made

  2. Contract – if you are billing the cost to a client, select the contract

  3. Journey from - where your journey started. We recommend including a postcode too

  4. Journey to - where your journey was to. We recommend a postcode here too

  5. Description - the purpose of the journey

  6. Distance - in miles. You can put in the return distance

  7. Bill to client - if you need to include the travel on an invoice to a tenant, tick the box

  8. Rate - only needed if you are billing a client

  9. Vehicle type - select what type of vehicle you used

  10. Vehicle engine & fuel - If you are using Standard VAT and have selected car or motorbike you will also need to select what engine and fuel type it uses.

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