Occasionally you may incur a larger expense such as a new laptop or tablet. As these items have a longer life and are typically worth more than £200, they are classed as assets instead of expenses. These need to be recorded slightly differently in Provestor.
In the menu bar, click Expenses to record and view personally incurred expenses
Select the name of the person that incurred the cost of the asset
Select in the menu if the expense will be reimbursed directly or via payslip (If you don't have a PAYE scheme, expenses will need to be reimbursed directly)
Click the enter new transaction button then select asset
Enter the details of the asset for reimbursement
Date - as shown on the receipt
Paid to - the suppliers name
Description - an understandable description of the item or service
Amount - cost inclusive of any VAT
Ref no - optional
Click save
If the asset was paid from a business bank account, record it your bookkeeping screen