What is a SIC code?

This only applies to limited company property portfolios

Companies House requires every limited company to identify its business activities by using at least one SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code, up to a maximum of four.

It's important to get your code(s) right otherwise you are likely to experience problems opening bank accounts or obtaining a mortgage.

The common SIC codes used by businesses in the property sector are:

SIC codeClassification descriptionType of business activities
68209Other letting and operating of own or leased real estateTypically used by landlords with buy to let rental properties
68100Buying and selling of own real estateFor the trading or flipping of properties where they are purchased and sold for profit, not for investment
41100Development of building projectsProperty developers building brand new properties or converting existing buildings for resale, for example commercial to residential
68310Real estate agenciesThis category is for sourcing properties and when you’re acting as an agent
68320Management of real estate on a fee or contract basisProperty management companies
64209Activities of other holding companiesUsed if you have a holding company

You can view and search a full list of SIC codes here.

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